Weekend Writing

Hey everyone, how are you?

I need to get some more writing done today, as I start to plan the next non-fiction piece.


I will be writing and planning out a new non-fiction piece today, in preparation for Monday morning. When I am due to have a meeting with my friend and co author. It will also mean getting to grips with a new research methodology. One that I had heard of, but had not used yet. So aside from writing there will be reading and researching going on as well. I am looking up how to write a systematic literature review. I have a had a look already and I can see how it differs from a regular literature review. It will be good though to get my teeth into something new and get the brain functioning and in turn, allowing must to build up my level of concentration.

Although, it is not the only writing that I am planing on doing today. I want to also get some more of the short story chapter three written as well. I got some of it written in the week, but I wanted to be further ahead than I am. So, I am going to have to write some more of it today. It will be good though, as it will break the rut that I have been in during the weekends and allow me to be more productive. I don’t have a specific goal of the amount that I want to write in terms of words or pages. But there is a part of the chapter that I want to get past by the evening. Which will then set me up to finish off the chapter in the upcoming week.

The one thing that I need to make sure that I don’t do is get too distracted. For example, the six nations rugby is on at the moment and I get distracted by watching all the games. Thankfully, there is only one on today but it will still be a distraction. However, what I don’t manage to do by the evening will have to wait until the upcoming week. As I do not write or do anything like that in the evenings. I like to spend my evenings relaxing so that I can then get a good night of sleep when I go to bed. I want to finish off the book that I have been reading and maybe start the next one. Or have some music on. Something that I find chills me out, rather than something that gets me amped up.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you have a good day.


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